Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

DxO Optics Pro 8.1.4 Build 266 Elite Incl Patch


What's New ? 
DxO Smart Lighting
Master lighting with a single slider - Easily brighten or darken your photos with DxO Smart Lighting. Make your life easier by using just one slider to add or reduce the light in your image. DxO Optics Pro 8 automatically lightens dark areas (under-exposed) and restores details to too-bright areas (overexposed), while preserving contrast by dynamically adapting settings.

Brilliant colors
Restore the textures in vivid colors - Retrieve all the details and rich textures in your images with the new automatic Protection of saturated colors tool. The smallest details are revealed even in zones with highly-saturated or “burnt” colors. The correction algorithm takes into account the photo’s global color rendering and your settings to produce the best possible color and texture quality.

Exceptional optical corrections
Boost sharpness and detail - Spectacularly improve your photos’ sharpness with the Lens softness tool, which has been significantly enhanced for this new version. Your images are perfectly sharp, even when you push the settings. This evolution is the result of our drive to calibrate even more cameras and lenses in our laboratories, as well as to analyse image content in greater depth. A DxO Labs exclusive.

The most advanced RAW conversion
Enhance your low-light images - Push the limits of your camera’s sensitivity for images shot at high ISO or shot at long exposures (> 2 seconds). DxO Optics Pro’s perfect knowledge of your camera makes it possible to restore all the details and textures in your photos. And with DxO Optics Pro 8, you can use the new dedicated slider to eliminate dead or hot pixels that can appear during long-exposure shots.

Integrated printing
Directly print your RAW and JPEG photos - Your photos are now directly printable in both full-page mode or as contact sheets using DxO Optic Pro’s new print module. Page setup options include margin settings, image size, and printing of EXIF information — all for quickly producing prints of the shots you need.

Harmonize the color rendering of your images thanks to DxO Optics Pro's support of ICC profiles. Sharpen your images and achieve dazzling results, regardless of print size.

Live preview
Your photos in real time - Make your selection immediately in the image browser, thanks to the new live preview that updates the photo thumbnail in real time. No need to figure out if a photo is the original or a version you worked on - you can tell instantly!

To further improve workflow, now every photo once opened in DxO Optics Pro loads instantaneously, even after closing and reopening the application — a real time-saver.

Optimized for Retina display
DxO Optic Pro 8’s Mac interface has been entirely redesigned to take advantage of all the visual quality offered by Retina screens. Enjoy unprecedented clarity as you view all the details in your images!

Link download
pass: koskomputer

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Paddle Pop Begins 2 (2013) IDWS


Perburuan Paddle Pop dan Shadow Master dalam mencari Es Krim Singa kembali berlanjut. Setelah sama-sama memiliki 1 Es Krim, kini mereka berlomba menuju tempat Es Krim terakhir.

Dan petualangan ini membawa Paddle Pop ke tempat-tempat baru yang berbahaya. Mulai dari Hutan Tanpa Batas, di sana mereka harus berhadapan dengan laba-laba raksasa. Tak hanya itu, Paddle Pop dan kawan-kawan terpaksa mendarat karena serangan Kelelawar Raksasa, anak buah Shadow Master. Namun Paddle Pop pantang menyerah, meski rintangan selalu datang menghadang. Mulai dari Minions yang merusak Phoenix, Monster Mata Satu, sampai Polar Eel Sang Pengusasa Daratan Es. Dan saat tiba di tempat Es Krim Singa terakhir, Paddle Pop berhadapan dengan pengkhianat yang memaksanya menyerahkan seluruh Es Krim.
Bisakah Paddle Pop mengalahkan Shadow Master yang sudah menguasai seluruh Es Krim Singa? Ikuti petualangannya sekarang!

Link download:
Indowebster Part-1
Indowebster Part-2
Indowebster Part-3
Indowebster Part-4
Indowebster Part-5
Indowebster Part-6
Indowebster Part-7
*remove .rar, join with HJSplit / FFSJ
Password if needed: sinema-21.com

Instagrille - Instagram for PC

Sobat tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Instagram bukan ? Instagram adalah sebuah aplikasi berbagi foto yang memungkinkan pengguna mengambil foto, menerapkan filter digital, dan membagikannya ke berbagai layanan jejaring sosial, termasuk milik Instagram sendiri. Sampai saat ini, Instagram hanya dirilis untuk iPhone, iPod, iPad, dan Android. Namun, bagaimana dengan kita yang tidak mempunyai perangkat tersebut ? Tenang, kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah software yang bernama Instagrille, yang memungkinkan sobat mengakses Instagram di Windows sobat.

Download :
Info : Software Instagrille ini bersifat Online Installer, jadi sobat harus tersambung dengan internet ketika meng-install software ini

Jika ada masalah, hubungi saya di : 

Battle of Los Angeles (2011)

Battle of Los Angeles (2011)
Battle of Los Angeles (2011)
iMDB Rating: 5.8
PNS Rating: 9.5
Date Released : 11 March 2011 (USA)
Movie Quality : BRRip
Starring : Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez and Bridget Moynahan
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi 
Format : MKV
Size : 650MB
Link For :  Download  Trailer  Subtitle
Password : www.filmmediafire.com

A Marine Staff Sergeant who has just had his retirement approved goes back into the line of duty in order to assist a 2nd Lieutenant and his platoon as they fight to reclaim the city of Los Angeles from alien invaders.

Wajah Di Balik Jendela | CERPEN


Di suatu tempat hiduplah kedua kakak beradik. Kedua bersaudara ini sangat berbeda sifatnya, yang tua bernama Bang Agus, ia bersifat pemberani sedangkan adiknya bernama Odi mempunyai sifat sebaliknya yakni penakut.
          Odi tengah menyelesaikan tugas menggambarnya, ketika merasa ada yang tak beres di kamarnya, ia segera meletakkan pensil gambarnya dan mengamati keadaan kamar. Semua seperti biasanya. Tetapi, ketika Odi melihat ke jendela kamar, ia baru sadar, kaca nako belum tertutup sempurna. Angin yang bertiup masuk itulah yang membuat perasaannya tak tenteram.

          Sambil merapatkan kaca nako, Odi mengamati keadaan di luar. Ia merasa heran melihat daun palem yang tumbuh belum seberapa tinggi itu bergoyang.
          “ Tidak mungkin digoyang angin. Ah, pasti ada kucing yang lewat tadi,” pikir Odi menenteramkan hati.
          Odi kembali ke meja belajar, meneruskan pekerjaannya yang belum tuntas. Tetapi beberapa menit kemudian ia merasa ingin menoleh sekali lagi ke jendela kamar.
          Odi berpekik kaget. Secara spontan, ia langsung menghamburkan langkahnya ke luar kamar menuju kamar kamar bang Agus di sebelah kamarnya.
          “ Ada apa dengan kamu Di? “ tanya bang Agus ketika melihat Odi yang tiba – tiba masuk ke kamarnya dengan wjah pucat pasi.
          “ Ada hantu......ah atau mungkin......” Odi gugup.
          “ Dimana? “ bang Agus bertanya.
          “ Di balik jendela kamar. Aku baru saja melihatnya,”  jawab Odi.
          Bang Agus langsung menuju kamar Odi, diikuti Odi di belakang. Ia segera menuju jendela dan mengamati keadaan di luar. Sepi dan tidak ada benda apapun yang aneh.
          “ Sebenarnya apa yang kamu lihat tadi, Di? “  tanya bang Agus sekali lagi.
          “ Ada muka yang menempel di kaca jendela ini. Tetapi aku tidak begitu jelas melihanya.Sepertinya ia memakai mantel bertopi yang ia tutupkan ke kepalanya,” Odi berusaha mengingat apa yang dilihatnya.
          Bang Agus mendengus, “  Buktinya di luar tidak ada apa – apa. Sudahlah, kamu pasti lagi ngelamun yang tidak – tidak barusan,” ujar bang Agus.
          Odi ingin protes. Tetapi dipikir – pikir percuma saja. Bang Agus pasti akan tetap mengiranya mengada – ada.
          “ Tirai jendela ditutup saja. Terus, pintu kamarnya dibuka. Nanti kalau kamu melihat yang aneh – aneh lagi, teriak saja,” kata bang Agus meninggalkan Odi sendirian.
          Odi menurut apa yang dipesan kakaknya. Kemudian ia berusaha melupakan kejadian yang baru dialaminya dan meneruskan pekerjaanya.
          Setelah tugas sekolahnya selesai, seperti biasa, Odi merapikan kamarnya dahulu. Beberapa mainan yang tergeletak di lantai, diletakkan di tempatnya. Karena dua hari lalu Odi baru saja merayakan pesta ulang tahunnya jadi banyak hadiah mainan, buku, dan benda pajangan yang diterima lainnya, yang kini memenuhi kamarnya.
          Ketika kantuk mulai menyerang, Odi langsung merebahkan diri ke tempat tidurnya. Matanya tak mau sedikitpun melirik ke jendela. Ia ingin segera menceritakan semuanya kepada Zada, temannya yang senang memecahkan kejadian – kajadian aneh.
          Esok harinya, ketika bertemu Zada di sekolah. Odi langsung menceritakan tentang wajah di balik jendela semalam.
          Saat istirahat tiba, Zada mulai beraksi menanyakan teman – teman sekelas seputar kado yang diberikan mereka pada ulang tahun Odi.. Tetapi, jawabannya tidak memberikan hal yang berarti bagi Zada.
          Malamnya, Zada sengaja belajar di rumah Odi. Sesekali, mereka memandang ke jendela. Tetapi, yang mereka harapkan tidak muncul juga.
          “ Rupanya hantu itu takut terhadapku,” bisik Zada. Tak berapa lama kemudian ia pamit pulang meninggalkan rumah Odi.
          Sepeninggal Zada, Odi kembali gelisah. Apalagi, Zada berpesan agar tirai jendela kamarnya dibiarkan terbuka. Sementara, Odi berpura – pura mencari kesibukan di meja belajarnya. Akhirnya, ia tidak bisa menahan keinginan untuk menoleh ke jendela kamarnya.
          “ Wajah itu lagi!!!...” Odi langsung berteriak.
          Ia langsung lari keluar kamar menuju kamar bang Agus. Buru – buru diseretnya bang Agus keluar rumah. Di halaman rumah,tepat di depan kamar Odi, terlihat Zada yang tengah bergumul seru mencekal seorang sebayanya yang terus meronta.
          “ Hentikan!!! Dia itu Diki . Aku mengenalnya.” Seru bang Agus kemudian
          Zada melepaskan cekalannya. Diki langsung menghampri bang Agus. Zada dan Odi sma – sma ternganga ketika melihat Diki sibuk menggerk- gerakkan tangannya dan anggota rtubuh lainnya di depan bang Agus. Anak itu rupanya tak dapat bicara.
          “ Beberapa hari yang lalu aku membeli patung kayu yang dijual Diki dipasar untuk kado ulang tahu Odi. Rupanya Diki ingin meminjam sebentar patung kayu itu, tetapi sulit menemui aku. Makanya, dua malam ini, ia terus melihat kamarmu untuk memastikan patung kayu itu masih ada. Sekarang, coba kamu ambilkan patung kayu itu.” pinta bang Agus.
          Odi berlari ke kamar dan kembali dengan patung kayu berbertuk kuda ditangannya. Begitu Diki diserahi patung itu, ia buru – buru merogoh bagian dasar patung. Ada rongga kecil disana. Dan, dari dalamnya ia mengambil sebuah cincin.
          “ Itu peninggalan ibunya,” jelas bang Agus setelah Diki mengembalikan patung kuda kapada Odi. Bang Agus segera minta mereka saling bersalaman, berkenalan, dan saling memaafkan. Tak lama kemudian, Diki langsung pulang, disusul Zada yang bajunya sedikit terkoyak.
          Malam itu, Odi tidur nyenyak tanpa dibayangi ketakutan. Besok, ia ingin bang Agus mengajarkan bahasa isyarat agar ia juga dapat bicara dengan teman barunya itu.

By: Dian-ar.co.nr

Komik Naruto 624 Indonesia

Baca Manga Komik Naruto 624 Terbaru Bahasa Indonesia dan Naruto Manga Komik 625 Bahasa Indonesia Terbaru. silahkan download di sini.

AKVIS Plugins Pack 2012 for Adobe Photoshop Full Version

*AKVIS ArtSuite 8.0 helps to give the image an original and festive look.
The program allows you to create a greeting card, a holiday album, a poster or a calendar, place the image in the frame to turn a color photo into a modern stylized black and white portrait, and even make color correction.
Methods of processing images in ArtSuite divided into two groups: Frames and Effects.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
5. Added support for the images from the cameras Sony SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N, and the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
6. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).

*AKVIS ArtWork 7.0 - the ideal solution, combining top artistic and high technology. Artificial intelligence serves as a painter. The transformation happens before your eyes, you see, like pictures of a work of art is born!
Recent changes
1. Added a new style of painting - gouache.
2. Added viewing images presets AKVIS.
3. Fixed bugs, including a bug with images with transparent areas, the error on the 64-bit version of the plugin, etc.

*AKVIS Chameleon 7.9 - a program for those who love to create collages and amazing artistic compositions. Chameleon saves you time and effort, so it does not require precise selection of objects and careful handling of boundaries between insert and background. That is why the program got its name - it is "Chameleon", fits color.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Fixed a bug that caused program crashes when using GPU for Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.
3. Fixed a bug that occurs when you change the language interface in the plugin on Mac.
4. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
5. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
6. Enhanced color processing to downloading images RAW.
7. Added support for Sony pictures (SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N).
8. Improved support for graphics processing (check the maximum number of available memory).
9. Added support for AMD HD5450, for hardware acceleration.
10. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
11. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).

*AKVIS Coloriage 8.5 - program for coloring black and white photos and replacing colors on color images.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
5. Fixed a bug that caused program crashes when using GPU for Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.
6. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
7. Added support for RAW-files.

*AKVIS Decorator 3.0 allows you to create a variety of things, ranging from realistic to unimaginable.
The program modifies the surface of the object imposes a new texture, keeping the volume, shape, folds, shadows of the original image.
Recent changes
1. Added a separate version.
2. Added selection tools: brush selection, choice of bucket, magic wand and eraser, and these additional funds: Zoom and Hand.
3. Added new templates for textures library. Currently, the library has 1824 textures.
4. Added ability to load almost any image as the texture of users. Now you can use the following formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and the size of 50x50 pixels, and more. In the previous version loaded only 100x100 pixels JPEG image texture.
5. Redesigned interface (new skin).
6. Changed the application icon.
7. Added Go to page button on the product control panel.
8. Added the ability to hide / show the control panel.
9. The ability to configure the panel advice.
10. Removed on the New button in the Options bar. Currently, the process changes the texture in the preview square starts automatically when you configure the texture (the angle of rotation, scale, color).
11. Updated settings dialog box.
12. The errors in both Win and Mac versions.
13. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.
14. Added compatibility with Photoshop CS6, and Photoshop Elements plug-in version 11.
15. Added options for licenses to splash the About window.
16. Support for 32-bit images.

*AKVIS Enhancer 13.5 - program for processing photos, designed to improve image detail, correcting tone areas and sharpening boundaries and contrast.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Improved support for graphics processing (check the maximum number of available memory).
5. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
6. Fixed a bug that caused program crashes when using GPU for Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.
7. Added support for images with the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
8. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).

*AKVIS HDRFactory 3.0 - software for creating images with high dynamic range, and for correcting photos.
Recent changes
1. Added new option "Noise Removal" in the settings tab.
2. Improve the old and added new presets.
3. Fixed bugs.
4. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8

*AKVIS LightShop 3.0 - program to add lighting effects to the image.
Recent changes
1. Improved compatibility with Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6.
2. Added support for 64-bit (now the plugin works with Adobe Photoshop CS4/CS5 64-bit).
3. New installation program on Windows.
4. Added new interface languages: German, and Italian.
5. Fixed minor bugs.
6. The new program's icon.

*AKVIS Magnifier 5.5 - a program for resizing digital images without loss of quality.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with Photoshop CS6, and Photoshop Elements plug-in version 11.
2. Fixed a bug that caused program crashes when using GPU for Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.
3. Enhanced color processing to downloading images RAW.
4. Added support for Sony pictures (SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N).
5. Improved support for graphics processing (check the maximum number of available memory).
6. Added support for AMD HD5450, for hardware acceleration.
7. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
8. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).

*AKVIS MakeUp 3.0 - a program to fix portrait photos.
Recent changes
1. New tools: teeth whitening, remove red eye, blurring.
2. Added ability to select the operating mode "History brush": Restoring the original or editing brushes.
3. Preset added in the preview window. Now, when the cursor is at a given point in a combo box, a quick result is immediately displayed in the preview window.
4. Added "View picture mode" - various options for displaying the original and processed images, the "Before" and "After".
5. Hotkeys: Double-click the "Zoom In" stretches the image to fit the window by double-clicking on the "hand" makes the image scale is 100%.
6. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

*AKVIS MultiBrush 6.0 - the ideal solution for photo retouching and drawing pictures, remove unwanted parts and add new ones. Software name MultiBrush means "many hands." And in fact, it is a real laboratory, in which you can edit a portrait, restore an old photograph to finish something on a photo or draw a picture from scratch. The program includes two sets of tools - Standard and Artistic Brushes.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Added new option in Clone Stamp: Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, scaling.
4. Updated Channels palette: added visibility indicator for each channel, as well as the modes of the alpha channel.
5. Added Go To button the product page.
6. Added the ability to hide / show the control panel.
7. The ability to use OS File dialog (for loading and saving files).
8. Added recent file list, which can be seen on the right mouse button to click on the Open button image.
9. Updated settings dialog box.
10. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
11. Fixed bug with specific color profiles. 12. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
13. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
14. Changed the name of the parameter for all instruments: Diameter -> size.
15. Changed shortcut for Zoom: to reduce the left mouse button with the Alt-key (was: right-click).
16. Posted these shortcuts: double-click on the icon scale makes the image to the size of the image window, double-clicking on the hands do the zoom to 100%.
17. Fixed bugs.
18. Documentation in Spanish.

*AKVIS NatureArt 4.5 - a collection of unique effects that simulate natural phenomena.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
5. Added support for the images from the cameras Sony SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N, and the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
6. Format support DNG files.
7. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
8. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.

*AKVIS Noise Buster 8.5 - a program to suppress the digital noise in the image.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.
5. Improved support for graphics processing (check the maximum number of available memory).
6. Fixed a bug that caused program crashes when using GPU for Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion.
7. Improved handling of RAW.
8. Format support DNG files.
9. Added support for the images from the cameras Sony SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N, and the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
10. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
11. Fixed bug when saving EXIF ??format JPEG.
12. Fixed some minor bugs.

*AKVIS Refocus 2.0 helps to sharpen the fuzzy, blurry, defocused images. With this program you can correct an entire image or to "bring into focus" only on what to highlight it against the elements of the second plan.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.
5. Improved handling of RAW.
6. Added support for the images from the cameras Sony SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N, and the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
7. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
8. Fixed bug when saving EXIF ??format JPEG.
9. Fixed some minor bugs.

AKVIS Retoucher 5.5 not only removes scratches, stains, dust and other defects from the surface of the picture, he recreates the missing pieces using the surrounding areas.
Recent changes
1. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
2. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
3. Fixed bug with specific color profiles.
4. Fixed bug and EXIF ??orientation when saving as JPEG.
5. Added support for the images from the cameras Sony SLT-A35, SLT-A65V, NEX-5N, and the camera Panasonic DMC-GX1.
6. Format support DNG files.
7. Improved print dialog (if there is no printer).
8. Improved compatibility with Mac OS X Lion.

*AKVIS Sketch 14.0 - program to create a picture from a photo.
Recent changes
1. Added "Timeline" which sozdyotsja list of personnel during image processing.
2. Added new option "Timeline frames" in the dialog "Preferences" (Preferences).
3. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8.

AKVIS SmartMask 4.0 - a tool to quickly select an object in the image.
Recent changes
1. Added a separate version and new licensing options.
2. Added compatibility with plug-in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
3. Improved compatibility with plug-in Corel X4 PSP.
4. Redesigned interface, added application icon.
5. Restructured workplace and optimized image processing. Now, the program has two editing modes - automatic and manual, with specific tools in each.
6. New tool shortcuts.
7. Improved color palette (pipette). Now it reflects the color of the ring that allows you to choose the colors more accurately.
8. Improved background eraser tool, with a new option of tolerance.
9. Added history palette with the ability to save the state of the image (checkpoints) for Deluxe and Business licenses.
10. Added support for AKVIS format, which contains the original image, image state at the moment he was rescued by manually checkpoints, and the most common set of colors and options.
11. Added ability to save / load color lists Magic Brush.
12. Added View mode - various options for displaying the original and the processed image.
13. Renamed some options, tools and options.
14. Added panel "How to do" with links to video tutorials and instructions.

Additional Information:
  • All versions of the latest on 17.09.2012.
  • Each plug-in can be run without a graphical editor that is, as an independent program.
  • Added utility (AKVIS Hunter) to automatically click on the "Continue" when a trial period. Instructions for use are in the folder "Crack -> Akvis Hunter".
  • Utility provided wadimus

System requirements:
  • Windows 7/Vista/XP 32/64 bit
  • Core Duo, 2 Gb RAM, 2 Gb HDD; display of 1280x1024;
  • video card: Direct X8 compatible, 128 Mb, color depth 32 bits

Link download:

Password: koskomputer.blogspot.com